Four Ways To Sell More Handmade Earrings

If you own a small jewelry-making business, you know that making the jewelry is the fun part. Finding people to buy it can be a bit more challenging! It's not that your jewelry is not beautiful, but finding the right buyers who have the same taste that you do can be tough. Here are four tips to help you sell more of your lovely creations.

Offer a Discount on the First Pair

Often, people need to start wearing jewelry before they realize how much they love it. So, if you offer your buyers a discount only on their first pair, they are more likely to buy that first pair. Once they get home and realize how much they like it, they may be tempted to buy more.

So how can you make sure the customer only gets a discount the first time they buy? Consider asking each customer for their phone number and keeping the numbers in a spreadsheet. If someone comes in with a phone number you already have in your sheet, you know they have already received their discount.

How much of a discount you offer is up to you. But make sure it's enough to make the earrings appealing to someone who may otherwise pass them by. Discounting them 25 percent is a good start.

Include Some Birthstone Jewelry

Perhaps you prefer working with big stones or with plain metal. However, you should consider expanding your line to include some birthstone jewelry. Pieces that contain birth stones are popular as gifts, so by including these in your line, you'll attract more buyers who are purchasing gifts for someone else.

Buyers who are first introduced to your jewelry via a birthstone purchase may return to buy additional items for other occasions. Make sure you include a little card with information about your business in the package so that the recipient of the gift can also come shop with you if they desire.

Visit Craft Fairs

Sitting at a booth all day is more fun than you think. When you attend a craft fair with your jewelry, you will be surrounded by artistic people who are specifically looking for unique items like the ones you make. Craft fairs do usually charge an admission fee, so make sure you account for that fee in setting your prices. You may want to offer deals to buyers who purchase more than one piece from you.

Advertise your participation in the craft fair on your website and social media pages. People who have been interested in your jewelry but want to see it in person before buying can attend the fair and view your pieces.

Write Your Story

This tip has less to do with your jewelry and more to do with your business in general. Many customers like to know about the company they are buying from. They want to be reassured that they are supporting a good business that cares about its customers. Spend some time writing up a synopsis of your jewelry business' origin and history. Include some basic information about yourself, and maybe a short story that means something to you. Include this information on a little card, and give it away with your jewelry. Also post the story on your website and social media pages.

With the tips above, you will have an easier time finding new buyers for your jewelry -- and also attracting repeat business from past clients. If you have any loyal customers, you can also ask them what other pieces they would like to see and if they have any tips for making your line more appealing. 

About Me

Taking Care Of My Jewelry

After taking a good hard look at my wardrobe, I could tell that there were a few things that needed to change. First of all, I realized that I needed to update different jewelry pieces to meld with my more modern wardrobe. The second thing I realized was that I didn't have a lot of money to spend, so I needed to invest in pieces that worked well with my budget. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about a jewelry shop that could help. They were amazing to work with, and they did amazing work guiding me to the right items. Check out this blog for more tips on shopping for jewelry.



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