Are You Planning A Proposal? 4 Benefits Of Taking Your Partner To A Wedding Ring Store

Surprise proposals are often romantic, but they can sometimes lead to awkward conversations later if your partner doesn't like their ring. While your partner might be willing to wear anything that you pick out, it is common to have misgivings about how a ring looks or feels when they have to wear it every day. When you know that it is time to take the next step, consider these benefits of bringing your partner along for a trip to the wedding ring store.

Get an Idea of Their Sense of Style

You can always ask your partner about their preferences for a ring, which will tip them off to a proposal anyway. Just having a general discussion can also lead to confusion since your partner might not be able to fully describe what they like. It is also possible that they have no idea if they'd prefer a solitaire-and-band wedding ring set or a single ring with a cluster of gems. Taking them to the store lets them try on their options while narrowing down their selection to a specific cut and style.

Find Out Their Correct Size

Ring sizes can fluctuate throughout a person's life, and subtle changes in a style can impact how comfortable it is to wear. Jewelry stores typically have ring sizers available that can help you to make sure that your partner's ring fits from the very beginning. Being able to avoid a sizing delay lets them start snapping those excited selfies to broadcast their engagement on social media.

Feel More Confident About Your Proposal

On proposal day, you're already likely to be feeling tons of jitters. You might be worried that they'll find out about the surprise before the big moment, or you may even fear that they could turn you down. Taking your partner on an exploratory trip to the store helps you to know if they are open to a proposal, and you'll enjoy being able to relax knowing that they'll love the ring you chose.

Make It Easier to Plan for Matching Rings

Many couples today want rings that complement each other, which can be hard if several months occur between your original purchase and when you plan to marry. Going to a ring store allows you to also think about the one that you want to wear. This gives you the opportunity to pick out the engagement ring along with both of your final wedding rings so that the full set is ready to go when you finally get to say your vows.

About Me

Taking Care Of My Jewelry

After taking a good hard look at my wardrobe, I could tell that there were a few things that needed to change. First of all, I realized that I needed to update different jewelry pieces to meld with my more modern wardrobe. The second thing I realized was that I didn't have a lot of money to spend, so I needed to invest in pieces that worked well with my budget. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about a jewelry shop that could help. They were amazing to work with, and they did amazing work guiding me to the right items. Check out this blog for more tips on shopping for jewelry.



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